Friday, 9 December 2011

In Manipiur a crisis just settle down to give way to another

posted by  mubasir raji
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The Seven Sisters Post, earlier known as The Nor'eastern Post has carried out an exclusive news story about an impending settlement between the Indian Government and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Issac-Muivah faction), according to the story the Indian Government is about to offer a Christmas gift to the Nagas. The story said that the Indian government is offering to create a pan-Naga ‘Supra State Body ’, instead of the “Greater Nagalim” demanded by the NSCN(IM), and story also said that it is being touted by the Indian negotiators as the “second best option for the Naga people”.

The state is already being plague by Sadar Hills district demand movement and its blockade ploy, the people of the state already has to suffer due to the months longed blockade. It’s started seeming that the Sadar Hills issues has settle down a bit but as soon as one issue seems to be settle down a bit another issue sprang up. This time it’s seems everyone is caught unaware of anything. According to the reports published on the major newspapers of the state, even the state Government was not informed of the above mention impending settlement. This is how chief minister O. Ibobi reacted to the report about the forming of supra state body for Nagas “No information is received regarding the proposed Supra-State Body. The Union Minister and the Prime Minister will be called to account on the offer. The Government of Manipur will never take into consideration anything that is going to be detrimental to the integrity of Manipur.” According to the report published in the Manipur Mail, the chief minister further asserted that “the Congress party has been doing its best to safeguard the territory and integrity of Manipur”

Though a clear picture is yet to come out about the proposed settlement, the Seven Sisters Post further quoted a said to be top Home Ministry official as saying ““The proposed SUPRA-STATE body will oversee the cultural, traditional and other aspects of Naga life inside Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. They will also ensure that nobody interferes with the lifestyle and dignity of the Naga people. But they will not have the power to oversee the security aspect of the Naga inhabited areas.”

It will a unique case of its kind in the independent history of India, if the propose settlement is being carried out and obviously further constitutional amendments will be required. But that is an only one side of the coin Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur are the three states going to be affected by the proposed settlement. As early reports suggest civil society groups and other organization are taking serious note of the latest developments. Territorial disputes and related matter like the present one have always evoked serious reactions in the past. For the state government it came as a dramatic foil to their triumphant run in state assembly election results. The ruling congress party is thought be a powerful party in the state and they are wining election after election also. The state assembly election is going to be held on February next year. The cycle of claims and counter claims has already started in the political circle but the issue is a serious one and people expect politicians to act responsibly. Politician should not politicize the issue.

In Manipur it is said that a crisis never ends, it only settle down to give place to another more urgent crisis that is how things are happening for past some time. Whenever an issue comes up, as expected there is a lot of hue and cry from every circle but most of the issues goes unsolved because the nature of some of the issues are such that no easy solutions or alternatives are available at hands and at time it may also be the case lack of alertness of the establishment. In any case there is no dearth of crisis associated with Manipur. To some extend people are used to live with crisis also. As far as present issue is concern even though the common people have committed no faults but everything will come down to them as always the case. When the normal live get affected, national highways get disrupted, it’s only common people that has to suffer.

People of Manipur may not accept a thing call ‘supra state body’ easily, so the issue seems to be complicating rather than solving it. The central government probably must be monitoring all developments closely and probably will not let things to turn ugly and hopefully people will react maturely.
Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2011 11:41


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