Friday 9 December 2011

Are we lost in this queue land??

Tuesday, 25 October 2011 14:38 Published in Current Affairs

Everywhere you see you will be greeted with long queues in Manipur. Those snaking masses are not some paramilitary activities marching for war. Those are the people lining up to collect petrol and LPG from oil pumps and LPG agents etc. Sometimes these queues are so long that it stretched up to half a kilometer or even more. There are many jokes associated with all these queues also. Sometimes, people come before dawn for these queues and sometimes they spend the whole night out there. What a sight! In fact great sight it is, but we are so much used to it that we never felt strange to line up for these queues. Forget about the strangeness of the sight of these queues! There is no sign for these queues to leave us in the near future also.

Oil pump’s queues, LPG queues, ATM’s queues, banks related queues, public queues, private queues, personal queues, these queues, those queues and what not. In fact we have queue culture, go to any government office, people out there will make you wait till you started forgetting the purpose for which you came to that office. Sometimes people think it is very sexy to get struck in such queues and they proudly announce it also. Sometimes, people think it is good to have such queues otherwise their only excuse to arrive late at office will be lost forever. So let us celebrate this queue culture! Another queue, which is very famous in Manipur, is school and college admissions’ queues.

We have this great habit of delaying things unnecessarily. We loved doing things at the very last date. In fact the last date is our most auspicious day to do anything. From where, we inherit this habit? Only God knows and God is not near enough to answers this question. On a serious note why there, is so much queues in Manipur? Are we by nature lazy and always delay things? Are we by nature disorganized and leave everything in clutter and when time arrive we simply started panicking? Of course there are certain things, which is not associated with any of our culture and behavior like due to problems in our highways which happen quite often, petroleum and other products cannot arrive at Imphal, and at times it is inevitable to have such queues.

Another phenomena out here in Manipur, is you will get everything in Manipur, the only criteria is you have to paid more, and sometimes you have to compromise with the quantity and quality of the product. You will get LPG cylinder, even if some three months old blockade is going on, of course you have to pay some 1500 rupees per cylinder or even more at times though. Another queue, which is picking momentum fast in Manipur is traffic queue and market place queue which in the festive season like this, is quite a thing to notice, particularly in market place, in some gully one cannot move without your feet being trample by other people.

We have to learn some orderliness very fast otherwise we will be trample like anything in this competitive world. We should learn how to organize ourselves. How to discipline ourselves and from where to begin with? Perhaps for the beginning we can start from individuals and then, we can move to institutions and systems. We have to be honest and sincere and look for the answers of these questions. We have, this another habit of bringing out the faults of other people just to hide our own, such thing is not working for such a long time and will not work in the future also. Excuse, for every faults come quite easy on us, we simply point out government is such and such, situation is such and such and if all else fails we simply counter question. Why only me, everyone is doing the same? We should come out of these to and fro pendulum fast. Otherwise we will remain the same as before, rotten!

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