Friday 9 December 2011

Are we lost in this queue land??

Tuesday, 25 October 2011 14:38 Published in Current Affairs

Everywhere you see you will be greeted with long queues in Manipur. Those snaking masses are not some paramilitary activities marching for war. Those are the people lining up to collect petrol and LPG from oil pumps and LPG agents etc. Sometimes these queues are so long that it stretched up to half a kilometer or even more. There are many jokes associated with all these queues also. Sometimes, people come before dawn for these queues and sometimes they spend the whole night out there. What a sight! In fact great sight it is, but we are so much used to it that we never felt strange to line up for these queues. Forget about the strangeness of the sight of these queues! There is no sign for these queues to leave us in the near future also.

Oil pump’s queues, LPG queues, ATM’s queues, banks related queues, public queues, private queues, personal queues, these queues, those queues and what not. In fact we have queue culture, go to any government office, people out there will make you wait till you started forgetting the purpose for which you came to that office. Sometimes people think it is very sexy to get struck in such queues and they proudly announce it also. Sometimes, people think it is good to have such queues otherwise their only excuse to arrive late at office will be lost forever. So let us celebrate this queue culture! Another queue, which is very famous in Manipur, is school and college admissions’ queues.

We have this great habit of delaying things unnecessarily. We loved doing things at the very last date. In fact the last date is our most auspicious day to do anything. From where, we inherit this habit? Only God knows and God is not near enough to answers this question. On a serious note why there, is so much queues in Manipur? Are we by nature lazy and always delay things? Are we by nature disorganized and leave everything in clutter and when time arrive we simply started panicking? Of course there are certain things, which is not associated with any of our culture and behavior like due to problems in our highways which happen quite often, petroleum and other products cannot arrive at Imphal, and at times it is inevitable to have such queues.

Another phenomena out here in Manipur, is you will get everything in Manipur, the only criteria is you have to paid more, and sometimes you have to compromise with the quantity and quality of the product. You will get LPG cylinder, even if some three months old blockade is going on, of course you have to pay some 1500 rupees per cylinder or even more at times though. Another queue, which is picking momentum fast in Manipur is traffic queue and market place queue which in the festive season like this, is quite a thing to notice, particularly in market place, in some gully one cannot move without your feet being trample by other people.

We have to learn some orderliness very fast otherwise we will be trample like anything in this competitive world. We should learn how to organize ourselves. How to discipline ourselves and from where to begin with? Perhaps for the beginning we can start from individuals and then, we can move to institutions and systems. We have to be honest and sincere and look for the answers of these questions. We have, this another habit of bringing out the faults of other people just to hide our own, such thing is not working for such a long time and will not work in the future also. Excuse, for every faults come quite easy on us, we simply point out government is such and such, situation is such and such and if all else fails we simply counter question. Why only me, everyone is doing the same? We should come out of these to and fro pendulum fast. Otherwise we will remain the same as before, rotten!

In Manipur shopkeepers decide for prices of stuffs after looking at your face and get up.

Thursday, 03 November 2011 16:33 Published in Current Affairs
In Manipur there is no price for anything, prices to be decided on the spot. What you have heard about prices on demand but not a thing called prices to be decided on the spot?! Wait yes there is such a thing in Manipur. Not only this, salesman fixes price after looking at your face and get up. Amazing isn’t it? For sample visit any shop in Imphal area and see. Rich, poor or whatever the state is, we buy stuffs in a way that nobody does. If the actual price of a particular shirt is five hundred rupees than the salesman will demand one thousand rupees. If a particular person does not have any idea about the cost of that shirt than, that person will be ready to pay around some eight hundred rupees after some bargaining. He will return home happily and will find out from someone that the cost of the shirt is only only five hundred rupees! Yes people will say ‘buy only fixed prized stuffs’, but here also something is lying under the ground. The people out there at those shops are so clever that they stick labels of prices at their whims.

Branded all new cool stuffs, Nike, Adidas, Levi’s, Reebok, and what not, people loved them. And who does not?! We in particular are very much. Sometimes we imitate other people like anything, we imitate from all over the world. And that’s the way it should be we like all cool life styles, be it western or Korean or our own fusion way. All is well, we say but the problem starts only when people started setting water to all our imitating way of life style. People try to make us look something like ‘made in China product’. Even though there are not many big showrooms in Imphal visit any so called showrooms in Imphal and check their branded stuffs. Their so called branded stuffs are all Chinese made. Jeans, shirts, slippers, shoes or anything, they mixed things like anything. Inside their glass framed showrooms everything looks cool, but at your home you feel for not only the hole at your pocket but also at your heart. People who does not have proper ideas about the price and quality of a product should not visit any shop! Visit only when you have enough to spend some thousands more bucks than the actual price in your pocket.

In Manipur, it is not very usual for people to care about such things, because it is a place where people are buying potato at 90 rupees per kilogram at times hurray! And don’t ask about the prices of patrol, diesel and LPG. Life goes on like this and it will be.

Coming back to our branded story or whatever it was, by now we have started developing a fusion style of our own, we are mixing  really well, original plus whatever made put in, and we get a all new style of our own. We are doing really well! On a serious note we need to have proper price control mechanism. Not only about the above mention matters, in general hiking of prices at personal whims and fancies is a major problem in Manipur. Yes it may be because of some unavoidable situations at times but sometimes due to the conspiracy of some people prices are hiked skyward. People stocked goods and refuse to sell at proper prices and sells only when the prices have hiked unbelievably. Or they hike prices, when some festivals are knocking at the door.

Manipur is not a bad choice to spend your winter

Monday, 14 November 2011 15:03 Published in Current Affairs
What are things that we love about winter? Foods, winter clothes or winter vacation? The winter is approaching and people have started searching for winter-clothes which they have thrown away last season. Its already mid November and fog have started appearing in the morning. Temperatures have started going down and winter winds have started breezing in the evening, and we are a getting beautiful weather. Our winter is not known to be cruel unlike the case in western countries and other part of India like Delhi etc. in fact winter is one of the best seasons in Manipur. In any case Manipur has fine weather whole through out the year, but in winter we get fine varieties of foods, fish and vegetables, which we loved. As Christmas season is approaching children are looking forward to their winter vacation. In winter Manipur is definitely a good place to be in.

Children always loved one thing about winter, sitting near the fire-side and listening to the stories told by their elders. In fact fire-side is always a favored place in winter both for elders and children. We don’t have snow falls out here in Manipur but we are surrounded by hills and mountains and we always have scenic beauty to boast of. There are many stories and fog- tales associated with winter season. There are also some places where capital is shifted during the winter season like Jammu and Kashmir. During the time of Mughal- rule in India, it was usual for the kings and the emperor to visit and spend time in the places of finer weather, to escape from the extremities of weather. There are many winter tourist destinations in the world where people visited there to enjoy the snow falls and other things. There are many Manipuri origin people residing outside the state and country, they can visit their birth place during the winter. Not only that, people from different parts of the world can visit the state, yes we can be a hot tourist destination during the winter and other seasons. The only thing that is hindering is that we don't have proper infrastructure. We have insurgency and other security related factors which might put a brake to foreign tourist, but Manipuri origin people will always like to come here if we have proper facilities and basic infrastructure.

The atmosphere here is such that hartals and blockades are the major thing that is surrounding our mind. Surging petrol and LPG prices, free run of black-marketer making lives of common people miserable, campaigning for coming election and its associated debate about Manipur a fail state or not is all that we have. Different groups are takings our highways at ransom for quite often. It is very difficult to suppress an ideology or an aspiration of a particular group or to wait for an ideology to die or for that matter the suppression of any kind will bears only the negative results. But Manipur is a plural state where different groups reside side by side. If we can somehow have a common goal for all and everyone, if we can go by taking everyone, we will have a great future. North-east in general and Manipur in particular, there are many small and somewhat bigger groups, definitely all of them have their own rich cultures, aspirations and ideologies but to bring all these groups under one roof is a biggest challenge for everyone of us.

We have already wasted too much of time, people are achieving unbelievable heights. We have seen examples of people achieving utmost heights within short period of time. What is the need of the hour is to exploits our strengths and assessed our weaknesses, and our strengths are our rich cultural heritage and our scenic beauty. Our weaknesses are our security related issues and differences within the different groups of the region.

It is obvious that all these issues cannot be solved overnight but we have already spent some sixty year, since we got independence in 1947, but the problems seems to be remain the same as before. It is not that in other part of India such issue does not arise but the issue out here has its own uniqueness. We have also seen the instances of solving of different such issues in different part of India.

Nevertheless pick your favorite winter clothes from the nearest showrooms and start enjoying your winter! In fact we should also need to have a big and exclusive winter food fair, dedicated only to the delicious Manipuri foods!

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In Manipiur a crisis just settle down to give way to another

posted by  mubasir raji
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The Seven Sisters Post, earlier known as The Nor'eastern Post has carried out an exclusive news story about an impending settlement between the Indian Government and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Issac-Muivah faction), according to the story the Indian Government is about to offer a Christmas gift to the Nagas. The story said that the Indian government is offering to create a pan-Naga ‘Supra State Body ’, instead of the “Greater Nagalim” demanded by the NSCN(IM), and story also said that it is being touted by the Indian negotiators as the “second best option for the Naga people”.

The state is already being plague by Sadar Hills district demand movement and its blockade ploy, the people of the state already has to suffer due to the months longed blockade. It’s started seeming that the Sadar Hills issues has settle down a bit but as soon as one issue seems to be settle down a bit another issue sprang up. This time it’s seems everyone is caught unaware of anything. According to the reports published on the major newspapers of the state, even the state Government was not informed of the above mention impending settlement. This is how chief minister O. Ibobi reacted to the report about the forming of supra state body for Nagas “No information is received regarding the proposed Supra-State Body. The Union Minister and the Prime Minister will be called to account on the offer. The Government of Manipur will never take into consideration anything that is going to be detrimental to the integrity of Manipur.” According to the report published in the Manipur Mail, the chief minister further asserted that “the Congress party has been doing its best to safeguard the territory and integrity of Manipur”

Though a clear picture is yet to come out about the proposed settlement, the Seven Sisters Post further quoted a said to be top Home Ministry official as saying ““The proposed SUPRA-STATE body will oversee the cultural, traditional and other aspects of Naga life inside Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. They will also ensure that nobody interferes with the lifestyle and dignity of the Naga people. But they will not have the power to oversee the security aspect of the Naga inhabited areas.”

It will a unique case of its kind in the independent history of India, if the propose settlement is being carried out and obviously further constitutional amendments will be required. But that is an only one side of the coin Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur are the three states going to be affected by the proposed settlement. As early reports suggest civil society groups and other organization are taking serious note of the latest developments. Territorial disputes and related matter like the present one have always evoked serious reactions in the past. For the state government it came as a dramatic foil to their triumphant run in state assembly election results. The ruling congress party is thought be a powerful party in the state and they are wining election after election also. The state assembly election is going to be held on February next year. The cycle of claims and counter claims has already started in the political circle but the issue is a serious one and people expect politicians to act responsibly. Politician should not politicize the issue.

In Manipur it is said that a crisis never ends, it only settle down to give place to another more urgent crisis that is how things are happening for past some time. Whenever an issue comes up, as expected there is a lot of hue and cry from every circle but most of the issues goes unsolved because the nature of some of the issues are such that no easy solutions or alternatives are available at hands and at time it may also be the case lack of alertness of the establishment. In any case there is no dearth of crisis associated with Manipur. To some extend people are used to live with crisis also. As far as present issue is concern even though the common people have committed no faults but everything will come down to them as always the case. When the normal live get affected, national highways get disrupted, it’s only common people that has to suffer.

People of Manipur may not accept a thing call ‘supra state body’ easily, so the issue seems to be complicating rather than solving it. The central government probably must be monitoring all developments closely and probably will not let things to turn ugly and hopefully people will react maturely.
Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2011 11:41


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