Friday 29 July 2016

weather online trolling is good or bad?

Online trolling and muffling of voice in some cases has become a trend in recent time. we can distinctly see two things in recent time, which we needed to understand. 


High decibel debate at prime time on National Television, where anchors are shouting at the top of their voice. In the name of debate news anchors are twisting the fact, harassing the people and carrying out unabated media trial.

Well, it is definitely a very good thing to discuss but the question is, are they really discussing things in the real sense? Sometimes it looks like stand up comedy; some news anchor will surely put Kapil sharma to shame. One News anchor will ask the questions and answer the question himself. He is so tactful and skillful that he will ask a question and will never give you a chance to answer because when you are about to answer the same he will ask another one and then another one and at the end he himself will answer the question. After that he will ask the question to another panelist and the process continues till the end of the program.

One thing this news anchors create lots of confusion in the mind of the viewers. What they are successful so far is to create a kind of a media frenzy for whatever topics they decided to pic up. Sometime, the topics they take up are very funny and have not much importance to anyone. Its blatant sensationalism; neither they leave Sub-Jud ice matter nor they seem to have respect for the case.
 Since the summer of 2014, both AAP and BJP used social media to great effect, earlier for Anna's movement and latter for Arvind Kejriwal election campaigning, social media had proved to be a great effect.
In fact the rise Arvind Kejriwal can be credited to a large extend to intelligent use of social networking sites by AAP strategists.But the ultimate game changer is Mr. Narendra Modi who uses social media to his great advantage on his way to become the Prime Minister of India.

The PR (Public Relation) machinery Mr Modi uses to project himself as Prime Ministerial candidates and ultimately to become PM of India is in a scale that has never seen before. A large number of Twitter's fake accounts who have either Mr Modi Or Mr Mohon Bhagwat as their DP suddenly appear on the scene.


Speak something against Mr. Modi Or BJP and these Twitter and Facebook brigade will tear down mercilessly. Weather Mr Modi or BJP had hired some PR agencies to carry out their agenda is a relevant question to be ask.

Weather online trolling is good or bad is a question which I will leave for the readers to decide because it certainly will take time to settle down the frenzy atmosphere at the moment. What we can discuss right now is what possible effects online trolling can have?

In recent days, there is a war of words between two leading TV Journalists of India; Ms Barkha Dutt and Mr Arnab Goswani, both of them had been a star in their own capacity but the debate they have raise is important for everyone, Barkha Dutt is against the way Mr Goswami is conducting the business in Prime time. While on the other hand Mr Goswami is questioning the integrity of Ms Barkha Dutt.